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Diane McWilliam


Diane has been involved in the voluntary sector for over thirty years and has a vast amount of experience as a worker, manager, consultant, board member and volunteer.


She 'discovered ' community development while working for the Scottish Office's New Life for Urban Scotland project in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, in the early 1990s. She has since worked for a wide range of organisations, and has a particular interest in helping churches and faith-based organisations connect well with their community.


Diane is married to Alan, a church leader and missional pioneer, and they have two student-aged sons - David, who is engaged to Pinja, and Steven - and a wee staffy called Cora.

Logo: Celtic Ceilidh Knot

Ceilidh originally meant 'companion', evolved to meaning 'a visit', then became a social gathering where people would bring songs and stories, make music and share food. For a community-focused organisation like TCC, this seemed the ideal logo, symbolising both that TCC would be a 'companion' to the organisations we work with, and the importance of gathering the community together in celebration of their neighbourhood as well as being intrinsically involved in decisions affecting it and plans for its future. 

Our Values
  • Integrity

We promise to act with integrity, give accurate information, honest accounting and fair dealings


  • Generosity

We believe in sharing resources, information and  contacts who may also help; we will speak well of our partners and of others in the sector


  • Collaboration

We understand that nothing can be done in isolation and we will endeavour to involve all relevant stakeholders in our work


  • Curiosity

While there "is nothing new under the sun", we don't know it all! We commit to listening well, reading and research, following up interesting ideas and ongoing professional development

The TCC Family

From time to time, the demands of work load means that TCC takes on additional freelance community workers and support staff, all of the highest quality and sharing our vision and values.

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